Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Ooooo Progress!

 Today me and Robin took a little trip to ze town centre of ol' nunny, and walked into the council house and asked for a house!
 Well, it didn't quite go like that.. we actually said that we had found an apartment and we'd like to know if we could get any help paying for it :P

 It's aaaaalways the same. You go somewhere specific to get something done, or get some answers, and all they do is just give a phone number.. which then in the end either leads you to go back to where you started, or leave you confuzzled!

 In this case however, the small spectacle'd woman behind the counter actually gave me a few answers.. but then gave me a number ^-^
 So I rang it! You know, livin' on the edge an' all.

 Due to Robin currently unemployed, and me on low income, they said they would give me a hand with my rent. Happy days! So I immediately phoned up Lovetts (the company currently owning the set of apartments in which I want to live!) and I have an appointment to view 2 of them tomorrow morning :)

 The anticipation is killing me! But in a good way, you know?

 And sooo much things to get on with!

 Oh, and by the way, I'm a list kinda gal.. I lurve making lists! I even make lists about lists!

 So in order to keep my head from spiraling out of control trying to memorise the list (ha!) of things I have to do.. I just make one :D

 Here's my 'To-Do' list so far:

1) Go to the apartment viewing at 9:30am tomorrow morning
2) Make 100 mince pies for Christmas day down at the Jailhouse
3) Somehow figure out how i'm going to bake 100 mince pies when I have work Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Christmas day
4) Possibly look for more Christmas stuff
5) Find places to get cheap cute ginger kittens (this one's optional for now)
6) Get Robin to wrap my goddamn presents already! I want to shake them :D
7) Wrap my brothers present! Oh yes John, you may be in America, but I still got you something :D
8) Figure out which day i'm going to pipe the chocolate buttercream onto the Christmas logs that my mum got as a dessert option at the Jailhouse
9) Probably bake more mince pies for the days up until Christmas day


 It may look a little chaotic, but it's a lot less stressful knowing you have it written down somewhere :)

 More tomorrow after my viewing at my possible future home :D

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