Sunday, 15 January 2012

Saturday Continued...

So to conclude the act of Karma, the good always comes with the bad. They're a very inconvenient couple, but that's how it goes :)

 As I didn't go to America, I took over my mums job for the Jailhouse. My daily routine has dramatically changed!

 7:00am - First alarm
 7:30am - Second alarm, get up!
 7:45am - Take twixie for a walk, which by the way, her poo literally steams when it's frost outside :O!
 8:00am - Brekky!
 8:30am - Pick Nanny up and go shopping for the restaurant!

 That's in the week atleast. I did my normal Saturday shift, which was weird because my mum wasn't there.. but also because it was the day of my Grandma's funeral. I know I wouldn't have had to work if I went to America, but it would have been nice with a tad more concern, sympathy or anything from people. Or maybe that would have been worse? *shrug* Maybe acting like normal was the best way.

 Anyway, amongst feeling like my Mum by doing her job, getting in the groceries for home like milk, bread, eggs etc, doing the bills and banking for Kim, doing the dogs food and getting up at the break of dawn, I've been on a project! I shall call it: Project A (A for apartment, get it? :D)

 Oh yes! After getting the keys on Friday, me and Robin have been slowly but surely moving some of the little things over that we bought from Ikea, pound-stretcher, B&M and ASDA over to the apartment. And not to let you down, I've made a list!

 - Stuff we've bought so far - 
2x Flexible chopping boards
A Steel cooling rack
Toilet brush
Tea, Coffee and Sugar frosted glass containers
Tooth brush holder
Utensil container
A wooden heat protector mat
2x plate mats
An oven mitt
Steel kitchen-roll holder
A bath mat
Trio glass jars (blue, white and turquoise)
2x glass containers (for pasta or something)
3x Scourers
4x little glass spice jars
6x kitchen towels
Baking measure spoons
A washing-up brush
Salt and Pepper glass containers
16 piece cutlery set
A toilet waste bin
Non-slip bath mat
A cheese grater
3 pack of scissors
And a can opener!

 Alot of stuff huh? Well, when we took it over and put the stuff away (since we don't have curtains or blinds yet, we don't want the stuff on show) it really didn't look like alot. It's a start :)

 We also made a start on painting the bathroom and that god damn horrid pink room. We managed to find some water-resistant type paint that was ideal for bathrooms. The walls in there was a weird brown, and after Robin took the wooden cabinet off the wall (which left horrible holes :( ) and gave it two coats of paint, it's really brightened up the room :) Though it still needs another coat, we're not exactly expert painters, but we're doing a good job :D

 After a rummage in the garage at home, we didn't find any paint rollers, but we did get a hold of a big sheet that's been used to put on the floor whilst painting in the past. So we took a trip to Focus DIY, bought some cheap rollers, masking tape and a lovely cream matt paint for the bedrooms :)

 Rollers are AMAZING! We painted the whole room in just under half an hour. We masking-taped the skirting boards, around the window and around the plug sockets and we painted the entire first wall in about 2 minutes! Awesome! :D

 Though I must say, the guy that previously lived here, desperately needs a fresher-course in painting.. His evidence of the pink room and the bathroom that he clearly painted himself was awful. He didn't properly paint around the heater in the bathroom, there was brown paint dried onto the tiles, and it was uneven and patchy. And the pink room was shit aswell - pink paint on the white ceiling, all over the plugs, ontop of the radiator, across the white skirting boards and drops all over the carpet!
 Basically, we painted everywhere that had pink on it, since I didn't want to see even a spec of pink left in that room! After we've done one more coat and let it dry, i'll just paint over the cream that we got on any white ceiling, skirting board or plug, and just go over it with the white that we have from the bathroom :)

 Before we left the apartment to go get some dinner at my Nans, we looked back at our accomplishment of the day, and the rooms look awesome! The cream and the white in both bathroom and spare bedroom have really brightened them up and even made them look bigger. Amazing what a slap o' paint can do.

- January 15 - 

You enjoy problem-solving, and you're happiest working your way out of a difficult mental labyrinth. A real labyrinth is a different matter. Should you find yourself in one of those, remember that minotaurs, like analytical conundrums, are best conquered by quiet contemplation.

Dark days: Wednesday, Friday.

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