Friday, 17 February 2012


 Ugggh, hangovers.

 Probably wasn't the best idea to try and cram a night of drinking in one pub to save buying the piss water they think is alcohol that they're selling in Fever. :(
 Though I found out that Eristoff gold and coke is nice :D That and Disaronno are the only drinks mixed with coke that taste decent.. that I've so far found out ^^

 Oh, and everyone else had a proper tequila with the lemon and salt, all I got was a tiny piece of Lime instead :( I hate Lime.. and tequila.. and salt. Bleh.

 Plus we met the dudes from the Kingswood tav last night in William whites, and we found out that the three of them used to work at Fever, which was a bonus as we got in pretty smoothly, and with a free drink! :D Tasted like shit, but a free drinks' a free drink.. can't argue.

 Anywho, we're planning on having another house party in a few weeks, except this time it should be more like a party than a house warming :P
 Last time it felt more like a 'get-together'. Some people we're driving, some had Uni the next day, others we're just being twats and not drinking anyway >.> The handful of us that we're, just played shit drinking games.. However we found out during dirty pint that mixing wine with sidekick just curdles into a lovely spongy, floppy, vile blob of nastiness. I think the remains are still clogged in the sink pipe o_Ó

 We'll do it around March when dudes aren't at Uni and have the Easter break from college, then it should be more of a party than a book club -.- woo

 Not really feeling up for going to the pub tonight, not after the fiasco of last nights binge >.< Good times :P

 Oh and Robino had his first job interview today ^^. He applied for a sort of stock control position at Bookers - a warehouse that sells products for shops and restaurants, but in bulk. The dude who interviewed him is apparently an arsehole, as my mum generally knows the majority of the staff, but he told Robin he should call later today :)
 If he gets it, he'll be working 4 hours a day, Monday - Friday. Not bad really for his first English job :P

 Just heard Paula outside the apartment door. Couldn't help but sneaking to look through the peephole thingy to see what shes doin'! She was showing a guy and his two daughters around the apartment opposite us. She's so full of fakeness -.- She's anything but informative, and she just talks bollocks (whenever she does speak to you without sounding like a snobby bitch). Felt like slipping the guy a note under the door saying "Save yourselves!".

 Time for today's Horrorscope!: 

- February 17 -

A true chameleon, you constantly surprise friends with an ever-changing array of hair colours and outfits. But when a spontaneous gene mutation causes you to actually transform into a giant lizard, it will be your friends' turn to show their true colours.

Beware of: Icebergs containing frozen dinosaurs.

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