Tuesday, 14 February 2012


 Today is Valentines! :D Good for those in relationships of course :P Or those hoping to be!

 This morning I woke up to mine and Robins 4th Valentines, and he had some goodies for me :)

Yes, that is one huge rose :D
But he also gave me a real rose for the occasion ^^

Tonight we shall dine with steak! A nice piece of BEEF! We we're originally going to get the meal deal thingy they had going on for Valentines at Sainsburys, but funny enough, they had no Valentines meals -.-
We looked last week when they had them in stock, but the food expired on the 13th.. the day BEFORE valentines! Dipshits!
So naturally, I phoned and complained.. and what did the guy on the phone say? "Oh, I'll pass your complaint through".. That's it?! Where's my free shit!?

That seems to happen to me alot -.- I'm not very good at negotiating. A couple weeks ago, I had some chips from the chippy, and took a bottle of Fanta. When we got home the fanta tasted weird, and when I looked it had expired October last year. When I went back to complain and hopefully get some form of refund, all I ended up doing was leaving my number and later got a call saying basically we'll do fuck all! >=(
Oh, they could refund my bottle of Fanta.. 90p.. thanks.

I also seem to have a bad time complaining about things fucking up at our new apartment. That Paula woman doesn't seem to give a shit.
So far, we have a hole in the wall that seems to be bringing in grass flies and causing some mold growth, one of the electric hobs in the kitchen doesn't work, the heater in the kitchen didn't work, the heaters in the bedroom we're buggered, the hot tap doesn't come on in the bathroom when the shower is on, and I want my refund from having to get the carpets cleaned myself!

The carpet issue I found out when I had a horror film night at Maries', and the gay couple from upstairs come down for a drink with us and we chatted about how Paula is bad at her job - she breaches confidentiality of the other tenants - which is how I found out that the lad upstairs had his carpets steam cleaned before he moved in. My carpets had massive stains all over them, and when I asked if she'd clean them, she looked at me in disgust!
I want my refund!
Oh and I'm still waiting for a reply to see when someone will fix the lock on my door.. Been waiting 4 weeks now.. *impatient*
And the best of it was how I had to wait another 4 days for Paula to come back from her holidays just to tell her about the freaking hole in the wall.

Anywho, I've apparently got side-tracked from the main theme today of Valentines day ^^.
I also haven't updated this for a while, so I've also missed out the horrorscopes :( And so far I haven't yet moved the book over to our apartment either :P Oh well!

A mate of mine is having an "Anti-Valentines Day" today, involving an all day event of cake, pizza and gory horror movies. That all sounded pretty much my kind of day, but I feel dedicated to spend the day with Jobin :) So sorry Kate!

Happy Valentines :D

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