Monday, 20 February 2012

Walking Dead (Spoiler Alert!)

 Ooooo, they are continuing the second season of The Walking Dead :D

 It ended with episode 7, when they shot little Sophia in the head after she stumbled out of the barn that Hershel was keeping all the zombies in :O!
 The group spent the entire season 2 looking for her after she disappeared into the woods when running away from ze zombies! As the episodes went on, we all started to come to the belief that she was a zombie now anyway, and it was getting a bit tedious when basically, we knew what the next episode was going to revolve around >.>

 And Shane! The bastard! Shooting poor Otis :(
  Even though it was wrong to leave him for zombie bait, I can't help but think that if he didn't shoot him, would they both end up dead along with Carl? Was it a good thing that he shot Otis?... No.
 Carl would never have survived if Otis didn't volunteer to assist Shane in getting the gear in order to save Carl!
 Therefore I've come to the conclusion he be selfish! Otis basically saved Carl's life, and Shane just had the option to live or die.. He didn't HAVE to go.. He didn't HAVE to shoot Otis... Hell, he could have shot himself if he thought someone had to distract the zombies. Someone else could have gone instead of Shane and they might have both survived!

 I'm sure Dale would agree with me :) Too bad he doesn't just tell the rest of the group what Shane did, even though he has no proof. I'd still let people know.. though he'd be at risk of being shot too :P

 I'm quite liking Daryl. He has the proper weapon of choice - a crossbow! Though I'd definitely make more arrows than he has o_Ó A little too few for me to be comfortable roaming around with the undead - using the term comfortable lightly.. how comfortable can you get knowing the world is infested with ex-human, flesh-eating, disease-infested, brain-munching, stomach-churning rotting specimens of what they used to know as 'real people'.. you know, the appetite-sustaining communicating kind. And these little shits are everywhere! I'd definitely have to go for a crash course in archery though if I was planning on using a crossbow in the upcoming apocalypse :P

 Annoys me a little when you see people posting on threads or talking amongst friends about how 'prepared' they are if a zombie apocalypse occurs. Yes, of course you are. We all have a bullet proof amoured tanks with a snow plough attached to the front, stacks of guns with a lifetime supply of bullets, shitloads of tinned soup and funky looking weaponry such as chainsaws attached to mop handles.. For a start I don't even think anyone around here has a garage big enough to contain that shit.
 They suggest their plans include: First going to get guns. Fail #1 - where you planning on finding those around here? Member of the army? No? I don't think you'll be finding any at your nearest Costcutter.. Plus if we HAD any gun shops around Nuneaton, don't you think they'll be extremely dangerous to try and enter? Other people going mental oriental to get their own supply and shooting all others who try and stop them. That'll be ironic - being shot by the living as opposed to eaten by the dead.
 Their next genius step: Buy food. Not necessarily a fail, but good luck. If people have trouble even getting into Asda due to panic buyers because they heard it's possibly going to snow (a max depth of an inch), then what do you think Asda will be like when a freaking zombie attack is happening? Tinned food first option? Yes. Asda first option? No. If you try getting all the food first, you'll probably get shot by the guy who just got his supply of guns.
 I'd probably leave it until they are all dead or zombies, when shooting them doesn't make you feel as bad, and rummaging through their freshly stocked cupboards makes food finding more accessible.

 More later! Robin just downloaded episode 9 :D

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